27 Station Road,
Tydd Gote
Wisbech Cambs,
PE13 5QA
Minerva House,Park Rd,
PE12 7PT
Dear Sir/ Madam,
I am writing to you to apply for placement on your (BA) Media Production. I am currently on an L3 media course, and I am on my second year.
We are currently focusing on our next steps and I would love to go to university. Specifically your university. I am hoping to develop my media skills in aspiration to get a job within the media industry. I would love to go through many paths of the industry but my love is with 2 main parts of the media world. Writing and editing. Some of my strengths are, punctuality is a strong strength I have. I make sure I have enough time to be where I am needed with Time to spare. Another Strength of mine is dedication when I started something I make sure I follow through until the end of my part. The biggest weakness I have is is time management but over the 3 years I have been at college I have worked and will continue to improve on this skill.
Enclosed with this letter is my CV it shows my work history and my educational history. I hope you consider me a possibility as I hope to join your course in September.
Yours Faithfully,
Justin's Interview Project
What I filmed:
This is an edit of what I filmed in my group. NOTE: This is not my edit I just helped with the filming of it.
What I edited:
This is the video footage I edited, the follow video is the final edit.
Phone Skills:
2x Choices i.e. Thu and Fri
Happy - Smile
Speak Clearly
Create room in a telephone call for friendlinessControl your rate of speech
them first...
no erm
be genuine
NO- I don't know, I can't do that and Just a sec
use their name and pronounce it correctly
leave them satisfied
finish in a positive manner.
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